

NEIA Robotics



NEIA Robotics is New England Innovation Academy’s FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) team. As part of FRC, we compete in yearly challenges to design and build a robot and compete against rival teams from across the world. Founded in the fall of 2023, we are a rookie team for the CRESCENDO competition. Our team has about 15 students and 2 mentors but is constantly looking to grow.

What is FIRST?

FIRST, which stands for “For the Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology,” is a worldwide organization dedicated to training the innovators of tomorrow. In FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC), students design and build a robot to compete in an annual challenge. FRC combines the real-world problem-solving of the robotics industry with the competitiveness and teamwork of traditional sports, all to create teams that run like cutting-edge tech startups. In FRC, students engineer, collaborate and problem-solve their way to new solutions. To learn more, visit FIRST’s site here.


Analyzing the 2024 FRC Game Field


Finishing up our robot’s drive base


Assembling our Robot Cart

Our first full-speed test with the robot!

Our Sponsors


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