Jackie Glenn on Journeying

Jackie joins Yours to Create in this mini-podcast with a preview of her thoughts on the next episode.

Quote Icon When you find your purpose, you understand your journey.
Jackie Glenn, founder and CEO of Glenn Diversity, Inclusion & HR Solutions
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Learn more here about Lift As I Climb: An Immigrant Girl’s Journey Through Corporate America, Jackie’s book!

Jackie Glenn is the founder and CEO of Glenn Diversity Inclusion & HR Solutions. She began her career in the year 2000 when she joined the human resources department of EMC Corporation, a Fortune 500 company in the technology sector.

The experience of working in HR proved to be Jackie’s “aha” moment. She immediately saw that her life’s journey could help EMC and others to create corporate cultures that reflect the diverse world they are aiming to serve.

As Jackie states, “There is a special place carved out that only you can fill.” Jackie’s adaptation to American culture as a Jamaican immigrant-led her to cultivate a distinctive and insightful skillset for navigating the corporate world. This foundation uniquely qualified her to lead EMC’s efforts of building a diverse workforce and creating an environment that would retain top talent from around the globe.

At EMC, Jackie quickly progressed to Global Chief Diversity Officer, overseeing a workforce of 60,000 employees around the world. Within this role, she conceived, planned, and enacted programs in organizational development, leadership consulting, and employee training.

During her tenure, she created a groundbreaking transgender reassignment and benefits program, multiple women’s corporate advancement immersion experiences, and recruiting partnerships with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The HBCU collaborations feature a summer internship that builds a pipeline of high potential future employees in the STEM field.

EMC merged with Dell Computer in 2016. During the transition, Jackie served as Global Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion and supervised the melding of corporate cultures for the combined entity’s new workforce of 150,000 employees worldwide.

Jackie’s success in corporate America is paralleled by the tremendous impact she’s had as a mentor and sponsor. She has helped countless mentees realize their career potential, break down gender and cultural barriers, and defy industry trends.

Jackie holds a Master of Science degree in human resources management from Lesley University in Cambridge, MA and a bachelor’s degree from Emmanuel College in Boston, MA. Her love for community advocacy and civic leadership includes service on the Board of the Children’s Services of Roxbury (MA), the Board of the Museum of African American History (MAAH) Boston, and the Board of Overseers of Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital.

Lift As I Climb: An Immigrant Girl’s Journey Through Corporate America is Jackie’s instructional biography on how she employed her ten self-created “gems” to guide her journey from a nanny all the way to Vice President & Chief Diversity Officer at Dell EMC, author, and CEO. Within its pages, Glenn reveals a vow she made to herself, alone at a cold bus stop soon after she arrived to the U.S. “When life gets better for me, no one will be left at the bus stop.” Her life is a reflection of that conviction.

Yours to Create’s theme and interludes are by Maisie Bull. Yours to Create is produced by New England Innovation Academy.


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