
Our Founding Robotics Team

Watch out for our up and coming NEIA Robotics team!

Last month, three NEIA innovators (Gabe, Sam, and Jacob), backed by the rest of their team, pitched a comprehensive proposal to founder Jean Jones and Head of School Tom Woelper, seeking funding to start NEIA’s founding Robotics team.

These innovators dressed up for the occasion and pitched like true professionals! Supervised and led by Anna S., these students insisted on pitching their project themselves. Their passion shone through with every slide. They discussed what robotics meant to them, then laid out a detailed pitch, their timeline, different levels of funding (broken down to the last dollar and battery), and the competitions they hope to be competing in later this school year. Any questions Jean and Tom asked, they had an answer ready to go. One of the most exciting things about this robotics presentation was their focus on the future: that this investment would last years. Our team wants to be able to hand down this equipment to new innovators when they leave NEIA.

We can proudly announce that our Robotics team has received full funding and they are currently ordering their supplies! Watch out for more stories about this team: who knows what they’ll build next?


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