
Unleashing Innovation and Shaping the Future of Education

Join Mayor Arthur G. Vigeant, Kathleen Kennedy, Senior Director for MIT Horizon, and New England Innovation Academy, for a Gen Z-Powered Generative AI Community Forum.

Join us:

  • When:
    May 22, 2023,  3-6 p.m.
    3-4 p.m. Guest Speakers Open to the Community
    4-6 p.m. Student Leader Breakout work


  • Where:
    New England Innovation Academy, 280 Locke Dr, Marlborough, MA 01752

Gen Z’s Voice on Generative AI in Education – a community forum hosted by The New England Innovation Academy will include a conversation between student leaders from neighboring high schools and expert guests, including Mayor of Marlborough, Arthur G. Vigeant and Kathleen Kennedy, Senior Director, MIT Horizon; Executive Director, MIT Center for Collective Intelligence; Venture Partner, Good Growth Capital.

Who:  Student leaders from NEIA and the following neighboring high schools are expected to join the conversation that will help leaders shape the future of education.

  • Algonquin Regional High School 
  • Marlborough High School
  • The Fenn School
  • The Advanced Math and Science Academy
  • Westborough High School
  • Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School

Expert Guests:

  • Arthur G. Vigeant, Mayor of Marlborough, MA
  • Kathleen  Kennedy,  Senior Director, MIT Horizon; Executive Director, MIT Center for Collective Intelligence; Venture Partner, Good Growth Capital

Why: The purpose of the forum is to establish 3-5 policy guidelines our education leaders should consider in their conversations surrounding generative AI. The forum will include a discussion from experts and peers to better understand generative AI’s ethical use and potential and the intersection with a Human Centered Design (HCD) approach.


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