Raveena and Ileana wanted to use the data AI has and try to make different solutions to ongoing climate problems, but quickly realized that not all AI is credible or correct and that using AI requires being very mindful about reviewing the credibility of your sources.
“I’m a big nature lover, I love going outside, hiking,” Ileana said. “Looking at Marlborough, Massachusets… the backyard of our school is filled with trees.” This passion for nature led Ileana’s group to pursue deforestation in Massachusetts as their topic for their MIT Day of AI project.
Raveena and her group wanted to use the data AI has and try to make different solutions to ongoing climate problems, but quickly realized that not all AI is credible or correct and that using AI requires being very mindful about reviewing the credibility of your sources.

Jeff’s group invented Ecogram, a new kind of social media platform that connects young people with nonprofits, businesses, and CEO.
“We want people to become more connected,” Jeff said, “instead of spending all that time on social media… we want people to become more involved in their interests and their passion.”
“I personally believe Day of AI is very important because our generation is making a path for the future.” Max was a part of Ecogram, and he is very passionate about the topic of community service.
Emmett believes people will have more impact on the climate if they are doing the things they’re passionate about. Emmett isn’t just accepting of AI, he can’t wait to see what AI will be able to do in the future!

Langston’s group found a way to harness AI to show and visualize how one’s actions, big and small, can drastically improve or hurt their community.
“We focused on figuring out a way to improve our environment by changing our habits as individuals.”
Game on! For their project, Simon’s group ideated a game that utilized AI where the user is a CEO of factory management who has to manage your company’s carbon emissions. “There are statistics that say that people on their own do fine, AI on its own does bad, but working together we can do something great.”