
Animating Question

Julia Child said, "Find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it." Will you endure the challenges that come with being passionate in order to pursue your dream?



Michael is an energetic and passionate leader in the kitchen who brings 20 plus years of culinary experience to the students at NEIA. With an early introduction into the culinary world from his parents who owned and operated a catering business, Michael gained additional work experience working at a fish market and its adjoining restaurant in Long Island, New York.  After graduation, he began a successful career in management, only to realize that his true passion and calling was in the kitchen, not in the boardroom.  In 2010, Michael embarked on what would be an 11 year run in the restaurant industry with Burtons Grill & Bar, where he learned the intricacies of the restaurant, working in every position in the kitchen and front-of-house. After promotions to sous and executive chef roles, Michael progressed into the role of Corporate Culinary Operations Manager. In this role, Michael led the culinary teams for 9 restaurant locations located throughout New England coaching his staff in the areas of Safety, Sanitation, Recipe Adherence, Plate Presentation, Financial Accountability, Proper Allergen Handling, and Menu Development. With a keen eye for detail and a natural ability to lead through instruction, Michael is excited to bring his years of culinary expertise to the NEIA community.


B.A. Global Studies, Emmanuel College


Nothing will go as you have “planned” it… miraculously, it works out better than anything you could’ve dreamed of.


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At the end of last year, our dedicated team member Tim McCauley embarked on an exciting journey to our sister school, Wahaha International School, where he has been teaching in their IB program. We`re eager to continue strengthening this partnership, as fostering global connections is one of our core values. Here’s an update from Tim on his experiences at Wahaha so far!

#NEIA #SisterSchool #International #Wahaha #NEIANEXT


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