One Trusted Adult


Brooklyn Raney, Educator, Facilitator, Author  


Kelley Hodgman-Burns, Director of School Counseling at Thornton Academy 


Tom Woelper, Founding Head of School at NEIA

Quote Icon "We trust those who have our best interests at heart, and mistrust those who seem deaf to our concerns."
Gary Hamel, Director of the Management Lab, London Business School
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Questions from the pod: 

How must we, as Trusted Adults, show up wearing our Mission on Sleeve? How is declaring motive (our motive as a trusted adult) essential as we engage with others?

We really love the concept of Just being there; can you talk with us about a miss or a failure you have had in this? The idea of holding presence, in the theatre we talk a lot about being present in the moment, seems a less intentional or “programmatic” way to show up. Help us unpack its importance and give us some strategies!

In this work – as in my work as a social-emotional practitioner – showing up in a Brave way is essential. Can you unpack this a little for us? What role does bravery play in how we show up? As a trusted adult for our students, how are we showing our caring by confronting?

We end with perspective-taking… can you talk to us about missed frisbees? What do we need to keep in mind as we show up true to ourselves but in service of others? How do we not miss the important things and the important feelings of others along the way?

Brooklyn’s book, mentioned in the pod, is One Trusted Adult: How to Build Strong Connections & Healthy Boundaries with Young People. Yours To Create’s theme and interludes are by Maisie Bull. Yours to Create is produced by New England Innovation Academy.



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