Service Learning Program

NEIA serves the community by taking actionable steps to become meaningful volunteers and foster positive partnerships.

SLP Skills

  • Apply academic, social, and personal skills to improve the community.

  • Grow as individuals, build meaningful relationships, and increase civic participation.

  • Gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their community, and society.

  • Develop as leaders who take initiative, solve problems, work as a team, and demonstrate their abilities while helping others.

Service Learning at NEIA teaches commitment, responsibility, organization, and leadership that exemplify our pillars. This program, led by Elise Mott, Head of Service Learning & Humanities teacher, encourages innovators to problem solve and reflect on the significant impact they can have on the broader community as they learn how to assess community needs and volunteer productively.

According to Mott, these habits of mind will serve innovators in a 21st-century context. “We are committed to developing responsible citizens who strive to make a difference throughout their lives.”

The program challenges innovators to contemplate how they can impact their world positively and meaningfully—at any age and at any time. For example, the Service Learning Advisory Board is learning about how nonprofits function and their philanthropic efforts. They will work closely with staff to develop Service Learning activities that integrate meaningful community service for all ages. They will use the “Investigation, preparation, action, reflection, and demonstration” process to develop new projects. In practice, these steps build meaningful community relationships, collate visions, and educate innovators about privilege and DEIJ.

Throughout September, Middle School innovators volunteered at “Gaining Ground,” a non-profit organic farm that distributes food to food banks in Concord, MA. Innovators also distributed water at the Mighty Moose Road Race, which raises funds for ovarian cancer research. Mott states, “the NEIA students were enthusiastic volunteers who took their role seriously and earnestly.” 

NEIA’s Service Learning Program has limitless potential. Ongoing goals are increasing student participation, using The Hive and Innovation Studio to create products that could help others, and asking guardians to get involved.

Mott concludes, “The exciting thing about service learning at NEIA is that our philosophy of integration, social justice, and human-centered design lends itself to action-oriented projects.” 


Fall 2022 Service/Volunteering Opportunities:

  • Marlborough’s Halloween Trunk or Treat Event
  • Trustees of the Reservation
  • Special Olympics Bowling League 
  • ESL tutoring in the Marlborough community 
  • STEM program with local elementary schools


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