Brooklyn Raney on Trust

Brooklyn joins Yours to Create in this mini-podcast with a preview of her thoughts for the next episode, One Trusted Adult.

Quote Icon Life with adolescents is an epic dance party, scary roller coaster...and the warmest hug ever, all mixed into one.
Brooklyn Raney, Founder, One Trusted Adult
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Brooklyn Raney holds a BA from Colgate University where she played ice hockey, and an MA from NYU. She is an experienced teacher, coach, and administrator who has spent the last decade in schools. She is the co-founder of Generation Change, a non-profit that seeks to embolden youth to be empathic and compassionate change-makers through cross-generational mentorship. She is a facilitator, speaker, and consultant for schools, camps, and youth-serving organizations nationally and internationally. Brooklyn reaches a wide audience with her unique energy, interactive approach, storytelling, and humor. When not facilitating workshops you will find her hiking with her dogs, paddling the lake, or spending time with her husband and son.

Brook has been fortunate to have many trusted adults in her life – from aunts and uncles to youth athletic coaches in her hometown of Brussels, Ontario, to the dorm parents, deans, and teachers at the boarding school she attended, and beyond. She knows the power of mentorship through living both sides of it and hopes to help others replicate so they can experience the incredible benefits of having, and being, trusted adults.

Brooklyn’s book, mentioned in the pod, is One Trusted Adult: How to Build Strong Connections & Healthy Boundaries with Young People. Yours to Create’s theme and interludes are by Maisie Bull. Yours to Create is produced by New England Innovation Academy.


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